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Gems of Time

Presented by the Friends of Battye Committee acknowledging Western Australia's living treasures who have made a long-term and significant commitment to the aims and objectives of the Battye Library and /or the State Records office.

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William (Bill) Hedley Richardson Bunbury

Bill was presented with our Gem of Time certificate and citation. He said he was surprised and ‘very moved’ to
receive such an award and thanked the Friends, the State Library and the State Records Office for their help and support over the years.

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Robert Kenneth (Rob) O’Connor QC

Rob O’Connor joined the Friends in 1989 and has been a highly valued committee member for fifteen years, although he retired from active involvement in 2021, Rob will always be a cherished Friend.

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Julie Martin

Julie had a long and distinguished career with the Library Board of Western Australia, from the time she joined in 1961 as an apprentice to Mollie Lukis.

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Steve Howell

Steve has had a long and distinguished career working in the JS Battye Library of West Australian History and with its unique collections.

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David Whiteford

David has more than forty years experience as a dedicated custodian of Western Australia’s important published and archival heritage.

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Bevan Carter

His has been a familiar face in both the State Library of Western Australia and the State Records Office of Western Australia, as well as in other research institutions in Great Britain. His trademark red cap are legendary.

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Graham Bown

Graham Bown as a member of Friends of Battye Library joined our Committee contributing with his wide knowledge and even filled in as minute Secretary on many occasions.

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Gillian O'Mara

Gillian O'Mara joined the Friends of Battye Library in 1989 and three years later (exactly 20 years ago) became Vice President – a position she has held ever since. She has acted as President many times in the absence of both Geoff Bolton and Pamela Statham Drew – for a full six months on one occasion!

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Patrick Richardson-Bunbury

Patrick is one of the Battye Library’s unsung heroes. For the last ten years he has freely volunteered his time, giving four days every week to assisting staff in the Archives section. 

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Cathie Clement

Cathie is a leading Western Australian historian, heritage consultant and researcher who is committed to the recording and preservation of Western Australia’s history, particularly that of the Kimberley region.

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Ronda Jamieson

Ronda is an acknowledged expert in the recording and preservation of Western Australia’s history as well as being a loved mentor and much admired leader.

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Lindsay Peet

Lindsay is great friend of the Battye Library and a generous supporter and contributor to the State’s heritage collections. 

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Edward Doncaster

Father Ted Doncaster was born in Busselton in 1931, educated at Hale School and in 1957 was ordained a Minister of the Church of England in Perth. 

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Lennie McCall

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John (Jack) Honniball

Jack Honniball joined the Sate Library in 1958 and worked in the old building until moving into Alexander Library in 1985.

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Ruth Marchant James

Leading Western Australian historian, author and research, Ruth Marchant James has earned a place in the history of Western Australia for her outstanding body of work.

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William de Burgh

William (Bill) de burgh's support of the J S Battye Library of West Australian History is well known to the historical community in Western Australia.

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Geoffrey Bolton

Geoff devoted his life to history. It was of unceasing interest to him and, in turn, many histories flowed from him in books, articles, interviews and talks - at least fifteen books as well as a great many other publications of all sizes in which he assisted. 

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Margaret Medcalf

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Leslie Marchant

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Mollie Lucas

Through her great energy and organisational ability by the time of her retirement in 1971 the State Archives and J S Battye Library of West Australian History were an acclaimed world class Library and prime resource on WA history. 



Sir Charles Court

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Rica Ericson

Her talents were formidable, yet Rica's keen intellect, coupled with her gentle humour and generosity of spirit endeared her to everyone she met. She was a wise mentor, an inspiring community leader, and a remarkable human being. 

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